From new theories about the uk underground music industry to hidden clues about the origins of the source, this showcase has it all.
Mr W.O.T Entertainment Presents CrudTime Showcase. Starts first with pilot S1 Episode 1 @itsonlyrakz1 x @pront0z Hosted by @mr_wotentertainment Dj @gennasmallz filmed by @mrnoliquor location @defendersent
This new showcase is a must-watch for UK Music history fans everywhere, as it's packed with new information about the underground music industry that you won't find in any other sources. From new theories about the uk underground music industry to hidden clues about the origins of the source, this showcase has it all. Filmed at Defenders Ent by Mr No Liquor and big up the Dj Genna Smallz
So be sure to check it out – and let us know what you think!